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Version: 1.x.x

🤝 Contributing to SwiftWave

First off, thanks for having interest in contributing to SwiftWave! 🎉

We have couple of projects under SwiftWave organization. You can contribute to any of them.

ProjectDescriptionTech StackGitHub LinkSetup Guide
SwiftWaveCore PaaSGolang, DockerClick HereClick Here
SwiftWave DashboardWeb interface for SwiftWave.VueJS, TailwindCSSClick HereClick Here
SwiftWave Docs + Landing PageOfficial landing page and documentation websiteDocusaurusClick HereClick Here
Quick DNSService to provide * domain for your swiftwave installationGolangClick HereClick Here

📝 How to Contribute to any of the project

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Setup the project locally. Refer the above table for setup guide.
  3. Make changes
  4. Commit and push your changes
  5. Raise a Pull Request

🔍 How to Find Issues to contribute

  • You can visit Github of project and check the issues tab.
  • If you are looking for beginner friendly issues, you can check the good first issue label.
  • If you find any issue on any of the project, you can raise an issue and start working on it.

📌 Guidelines

📌 Need Help?