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Version: 1.x.x

🌱 SwiftWave Manifesto

SwiftWave, our self-hosted PaaS marvel, is here to make deploying and managing your applications on any VPS a breeze! 🌐

Our Goals:

  • Simplicity: We're all about keeping things simple. SwiftWave makes it a cakewalk for everyone to deploy their applications on a VPS.
  • Lightweight: Minimal resource usage is our mantra. Deploy multiple applications on a single VPS? Absolutely doable with SwiftWave.
  • Open Source: SwiftWave is for everyone. Contribute, deploy on your server – the power is in your hands.
  • Scalability: Click, and voila! Scale your application seamlessly without a hint of downtime.

Target Users:

  • Students 🎓
  • Developers 👩‍💻👨‍💻
  • Hobbyists 🎨
  • Small Businesses 🏢

We're not here for the big companies. Looking to deploy a massive application with lakhs of concurrent users? SwiftWave might not be correct choice for you.

SwiftWave is designed with two modes to cater to both small and medium-sized applications.

ServiceSwiftWave StandaloneSwiftWave Cluster
PostgresqlLocal or RemoteRemote
Job QueueLocal (SwiftWave)RabbitMQ
PubSubLocal (SwiftWave)Redis

In standalone mode, configure with any remote postgres, rabbitmq, or redis. But in cluster mode, it's a must to go remote for postgres, rabbitmq, and redis.

This architecture keeps resource usage low for small apps and scales effortlessly for medium-sized ones with SwiftWave's cluster mode.

No matter what, we're committed to keeping it simple and lightweight.

Picture this: on a 1GB RAM 1vCPU VPS, SwiftWave lets you deploy 2-3 applications with ease. Small businesses? They can confidently deploy their applications with SwiftWave's cluster mode. Let's keep it swift, simple, and sensational! 🚀🌟