⚒️ Installation
Let's get started with SwiftWave! It will not take more than 10 minutes to install SwiftWave on your server.
📦 Pre-requisites
A Linux System with at-least 1GB RAM and 1vCPU.
Install some utilities like curl, git, unzip and tar.
- Debian / Ubuntu
- Fedora / CentOS
sudo apt update -y
sudo apt install curl git unzip tar -ysudo dnf install curl git unzip tar
Install docker (Skip this step if you already have docker installed)
- Debian / Ubuntu
- Fedora / CentOS
curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com | sudo bash -
curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com | sudo bash -
sudo systemctl enable docker.service
sudo systemctl enable containerd.service
sudo systemctl start docker.service
sudo systemctl start containerd.service -
You are all set! 🎉
📥 Installation
SSH into your server.
Run below commands to install SwiftWave.
- Debian / Ubuntu
- Fedora / CentOS
Add Swiftwave Repository
sudo mkdir -p /etc/apt/keyrings
sudo mkdir /root/.gnupg
sudo gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring /etc/apt/keyrings/swiftwave.gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys DD510C86CD3F6764
echo "deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/swiftwave.gpg] http://deb.repo.swiftwave.org/ swiftwave stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/swiftwave.listInstall SwiftWave
sudo apt update -y
sudo apt install swiftwave -yAdd Swiftwave Repository
sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo http://rpm.repo.swiftwave.org/swiftwave.repo
Install SwiftWave
sudo dnf install swiftwave -y
Initialize SwiftWave configuration.
sudo swiftwave init
infoDuring this step, it will ask a domain name for management node.
- If your server has a public IP, you can just use the default domain suggested by SwiftWave at that step. If you have any custom domain, you can point that domain to your server IP and use that domain name also.
- If you are just trying out in local system and doesn't have any public IP, just use
as domain name.
tipIf you like to change the configuration or use a remotely hosted postgres database, you can run the following command and change the yaml configuration file manually.
sudo swiftwave config -e vim
Start Swiftwave for Setup
sudo swiftwave start
Open the printed URL in your browser.
- Provide a new username and password for the first admin user.
- Provide a valid email address. Don't use any fake or temporary email address.
- Provide other infos (if required to change)
- Submit it !
- Come back to terminal.
Start Swiftwave Service
sudo swiftwave service enable
After this step, you can access Swiftwave dashboard at the same URL you opened in the previous step.
Generate SSL certificate for swiftwave dashboard
infoIf you have used
as domain name for management node, skip this step.sudo swiftwave tls generate
Now, use
for dashboard URL. -
(optional) Enable Auto Updater for SwiftWave
sudo swiftwave auto-update enable
🎉 Congratulations! SwiftWave is now installed on your server.
Let's move to the next section to onboard your server to SwiftWave.
🖥️ Onboard Server
Log-in to SwiftWave Dashboard
Navigate to
Server Management
page and click onAdd Server
button. -
Server IP
put the public / private IP of your server. If your server has no public IP, put127.0.0.1
as IP. -
Click on
Setup Server
button. -
Follow the generated instructions on the dashboard.
infoYou may be presented with the option to specify the advertiser IP address for the Docker swarm in the very last step. This occurs when a server is assigned multiple IP addresses. In such a circumstance, you should select the public IP address or private IP address generated by the cloud provider for your server.
Wait 1 minute and refresh the list.
After setup is complete, click on
View Actions
and click onEnable Ingress Proxy
, keep the default values and submit. It will take upto 5 minutes.infoTo verify that the ingress proxy is configured properly, open your web browser and navigate to the IP address of your server. The error code '502 Bad Gateway' should be displayed.
🎉 Congratulations! Your server is now onboarded to SwiftWave.
Now, you can start using 🚀 SwiftWave.
📊 Setup Resource Monitoring
SwiftWave comes with a built-in monitoring system that allows you to track the resource usage of servers and applications.
To enable monitoring, follow these steps:
- Log-in to SwiftWave Dashboard
- Navigate to
Server Management
page. - Click on
View Actions
and click onSetup Resource Monitoring
. - Follow the generated instructions to complete the setup.