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Version: 2.2.x

🔨 Deploy New Application

In SwiftWave you can deploy your application from various sources.

  • 📦 Git Repository (Supports both HTTP and SSH)
  • 🐳 Docker Image Repository
  • If your code isn't on a Git or Image Repository, worry not! Simply choose your code folder and upload it. 📂

🚀 Deploy Application

  1. Click on the Deploy New Application button on the Sidebar of the Dashboard.
  2. Choose your application source (Git Repository, Docker Image, or Upload Code Folder) option.
  3. Fill in the required details.
  4. Click on Generate Configuration button.
  5. You can choose to edit generated Dockerfile by clicking on View/Modify Dockerfile button. If you feel it detected some wrong services, you can change the detected service and choose another template.
  6. Edit Build Arguments, if required.
  7. Put the command, if you need to override the default command of dockerfile.
  8. Click on Confirm & Proceed to Next Step button.
  9. Configure your application's environment variables. (You can also configure this later.)
  10. You can also configure persistent storage for your application. (You can also configure this later.)
  11. In Advanced Options section, you can configure deployment strategy, deployment mode, and other advanced options.
  12. Click on Click to Confirm & Deploy button.
  13. Your application will be deployed in a few minutes. 🚀
  14. You can check the build logs and status in the same page.

📚 Next Steps