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Version: 2.2.x

🐙 Git Credentials

In Git Credentials section, you can check all the saved Git Credentials. You can use these credentials while deploying an application from a Git Repository.

Git Credentials List

Git Credentials vault now supports both HTTP and SSH authentication key.

You can

  • Add a new Git Credential by clicking on Add New button.
  • View a Git Credential by clicking on View Details button.
  • Edit a Git Credential by clicking on Edit Details button.
  • Delete a Git Credential by clicking on Delete button.

    Note : You can only delete a Git Credential if it is not being used by any application.

Add HTTP Credential

Add HTTP Credential

Choose the type as HTTP and fill in the required details.

Add SSH Credential

Add SSH Credential

Choose the type as SSH and fill in the required details.

  • If you like to use your own private key, put that in OpenSSH format in the Private Key field.
  • Else, leave that field empty and a new key will be generated for you.

View the public key

To view the public key, hit the View Details button after creating your SSH Git credential.

View SSH Credential

You can add this key to your GitHub account and use it to access the private repository.